Garden Center
Trees + Shrubs
We stock a wide variety of shrubs and trees for all your garden and landscape needs. We purchase trees and shrubs grown in the north to help insure its survival here in the harsh Vermont winters.

Here is list of some of the shrubs that we carry:
Fruiting Trees + Bushes
Apple, Pear, Plum, Blueberry,
Raspberry, Blackberry
Native Shrubs + Trees
Clethra, Cornus sericea (many
cultivars), Cornus alternifolia,
Ilex verticulata, Amalanchier,
Rhododendron, Birch, Maple,
Chionanthus, Hamamelis,
Deciduous azaleas, Lights series
and many more...
Hydrangea, Lilac, Forscythia, Physocarpus,
Spriea, Fothergilla, Stewartia, Crabapple,
Magnolia, Weiglia, Hibiscus, Continus,
conifers, Junipers many cultivars,
Spruce dwarf and regular cultivars,
Arborvitae many cultivars, Ilex